Selasa, 06 April 2010


When Missing come to our heart, it will make us restless ,depressed .When we feel missing to someone beloved it can hard to explaint, When someone goes missing, the effect it can have on their family or loved ones can be devastating: they can be left feeling angry, depressed, bewildered and often with a sense of bereavement. Missing People offers support, advice and practical help to those left behind at this difficult time.

From my experience, people goes missing for many different the reason like missing to beloved person or family , friend and so many againt even can misiing with the past future. it maybe because they no have choice to reject this feeling. The act of going missing is often preceded by stressful life events such as trauma, unhappiness, depression, financial worries, abuse, arguments or domestic violence.

Some people go missing for a day, some for years; some return and sadly, some never do. Some people want to be found, some do not. Some only know they want to be found when they hear that someone is looking for them.
and i'll tell my self that missing someone is something that can not be disclosed

When I missing to someone i beloved it so hard to put feeling into words.
but i want you to know that every minute

" I'am Thinking Of YOU "

wondering what your upto counting the day until we can to be together
Missing you more than passing day

I Always missing you my beloved

i dedicate to someone i beloved and i hope that you'll be my life partner forever and for always Rendy Novaldy I Missing you and I love you..

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